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Vafthruthnir spake:
35."Winters unmeasured    ere earth was made
Was the birth of Bergelmir;
This first knew I well,    when the giant wise
In a boat of old was borne."

Othin spake:
36."Ninth answer me well,    if wise thou art called
If thou knowest it, Vafthruthnir, now:
Whence comes the wind    that fares o'er the waves
Yet never itself is seen?"

Vafthruthnir spake:
37."In an eagle's guise    at the end of heaven
Hræsvelg sits, they say;
And from his wings    does the wind come forth
To move o'er the world of men."

Othin spake:
38."Tenth answer me now,    if thou knowest all
The fate that is fixed for the gods: