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The horse at home fatten,    the hound in thy dwelling.

84.A man shall trust not    the oath of a maid,
Nor the word a woman speaks;
For their hearts on a whirling    wheel were fashioned,
And fickle their breasts were formed.

85.In a breaking bow    or a burning flame,
A ravening wolf    or a croaking raven,
In a grunting boar,    a tree with roots broken,
In billowy seas    or a bubbling kettle,

86.In a flying arrow    or falling waters,
In ice new formed    or the serpent's folds,
In a bride's bed-speech    or a broken sword,
In the sport of bears    or in sons of kings,

87.In a calf that is sick    or a stubborn thrall,
A flattering witch    or a foe new slain.