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Seek never to win    the wife of another,
Or long for her secret love.

116.I rede thee, Loddfafnir!    and hear thou my rede,—
Profit thou hast if thou hearest,
Great thy gain if thou learnest:
If o'er mountains or gulfs    thou fain wouldst go,
Look well to thy food for the way.

117.I rede thee, Loddfafnir!    and hear thou my rede,—
Profit thou hast if thou hearest,
Great thy gain if thou learnest:
An evil man    thou must not let
Bring aught of ill to thee;
For an evil man    will never make
Reward for a worthy thought.

118.I saw a man    who was wounded sore
By an evil woman's word;
A lying tongue    his death-blow launched,
And no word of truth there was.

119.I rede thee, Loddfafnir!    and hear thou my rede,—
Profit thou hast if thou hearest,
Great thy gain if thou learnest:
If a friend thou hast    whom thou fully wilt trust,
Then fare to find him oft;
For brambles grow    and waving grass
On the rarely trodden road.