Page:Poetry, a magazine of verse, Volume 5 (October 1914-March 1915).djvu/338

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POETRY: A Magazine of Verse

earlier volumes are: A Book of Verses (1898), and Maximilian, a Tragedy (1902) besides prose plays and essays.

Mr. Victor Starbuck, also a lawyer by profession, lives in Orlando, Florida. A number of magazines have published his verse. "Violet Hunt" is an English poet.

With these three exceptions, our contributors this month have appeared before in Poetry. Mr. Orrick Johns, formerly of St. Louis, now lives in the country near New Haven. Miss Margaret Widdemer has removed from Philadelphia to Brooklyn. Mr. Richard Aldington is still in London as one of the editors of The Egoist, but he may be called to the front among the reserves. Mr. Francis Buzzell lives in Chicago. None of these has published a book of verse as yet, though the first three are well known through much-quoted contributions to the magazines. Mr. Buzzell is almost a newcomer.


Pitfalls yawn before the feet of an editor. Twice of late have we fallen in.

Conquered, by Miss Zoë Akins, which we printed last month, was published last spring in the International, through a mistake of one of the editors of that monthly, to whom it had been sent for private perusal. The poet, from whom we had previously accepted it, forgot to inform us at the time, and we, who usually read Mr. Viereck's cleverly ardent paper, apparently missed that issue.

The other error is more serious. The printer's devil is no fabulous creature of myth, but a real monster of sin and
