Page:Poetry, a magazine of verse, Volume 7 (October 1915-March 1916).djvu/70

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POETRY: A Magazine of Verse

stitute fatalism for hope, Nirvana for Heaven . . . Krishna for Jesus Christ." To the mind of the true mystic the goal is one. I doubt very much if the mind of the mystic recognizes any distinction between Krishna and Jesus Christ—except as these distinctions exist in the dogma of racial or religious sectarians.

Utterly without pretense of any sort, Rabindranath Tagore makes no attempt towards either "fashionable" or religious proselytizing. It is simply as a poet that he wishes to be accepted—by those who care to accept him.

A. C. H.


Poetry announces a prize of one hundred dollars, donated by the Players Producing Company, for a one-act poetic play. The conditions are that the play be in poetic form—in metrical verse or vers libre; that it be American in subject matter, or substance; and that it be actable.

Decision upon the plays will be made by the editors of Poetry and the donor. It is understood that the acting rights of the accepted play will belong to the Players Producing Company, with the customary royalties to the author in the event of production. The accepted play will be published in Poetry.

Plays must be received not later than February 1, 1916.

Poetry reserves the right to withhold the prize in case no plays of a sufficiently high standard are received.
