Page:Poetry of the Magyars.djvu/112

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The messengers delighted heard;
Their bosoms fill'd with glee,
They said, "Farewell!" and went to tell
Their tale in Erdely.

They made a call on heroes all,
And straight a council held;
And summoned every man to meet
The Herczeg in the field.

And thrice on Isten's name they called,
The Deus of their prayer;
And then the Godhead's title gave
To Szamos' city there.[1]

And yet we recollect the day,
And in all bargains we
Still loudly "Deus! Deus!" say,
In that time's memory.

And when the bands were ready all,
They order'd heralds three;
The Polish Lord, with this bold word,

To visit speedily:

  1. Istent ők ott imádának
    Háromszor Deust kiáltának;
    Arról nevezték ott a' várost,
    Szamos' mentében, a' nemes Deusnek.