Page:Poetry of the Magyars.djvu/161

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Be silent, and hear,
Thou Anadiomene;
Peace, and give ear,
Whales—sturgeons shall follow.
The frogs care not how many
Listeners appear,
If silence respectful be here;
For we in the waters,
Of all their vast throng,
Are melody's daughters,
And heirs of sweet song.
Brekeke, brekeke, brekeke,
Brekeke, brekeke, brekeke, brekeke;
Koax, koax—too-oo, too-oo;
Koax, too-oo!

When tuning our vesper,
As twilight appears,
The sweet-smiling Hesper
Oft lingers and hears;
And Cynthia, she tarries
To list and admire,
While every fair star is
All jealous desire;
And often we hear them exclaiming, How blest,
In these tranquil green waters to revel and rest!
The reverend Tellus,
She wonders—what power
To such songs can impel us;
On us doth she shower