Page:Political Tracts.djvu/100

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January they had warned away two Spaniſh ſhips; and that an armament was ſent out in May from Buenos Ayres to diſlodge them.

It was perhaps not yet certain that this account was true; but the information, however faithful, was too late for prevention. It was eaſily known, that a fleet diſpatched in May had before Auguſt ſucceeded or miſcarried.

In October, Captain Maltby came to England, and gave the account which I have now epitomiſed, of his expulſion from Falkland’s Iſlands.

From this moment the whole nation can witneſs that no time was loſt. The navy was ſurveyed, the ſhips refitted, and commanders appointed; and a powerful fleet was aſſembled, well manned and well ſtored, with expedition after ſo long a peace per-
