Page:Political Tracts.djvu/104

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ſcruple of declaring, that ſuch an ejection was nothing more than the ſettlers might have expected; and that Buccarelli had not, in his opinion, incurred any blame, as the general injunctions to the American governors were, to ſuffer no incroachmenſon the Spaniſh dominions.

In October the Prince of Maſſeran propoſed a convention for the accommodation of differences by mutual conceſſions, in which the warning given to the Spaniards by Hunt ſhould be diſavowed on one ſide, and the violence ufed by Buccarelli on the other. This offer was conſidered as little leſs than a new infult, and Grimaldi was told, that injury required reparation; that when either party had ſuffered evident wrong, there was not the parity ſubſiſting which is implied in conventions and contracts; that we conſidered ourſelves as openly infulted, and demanded ſatisfaction plenary and unconditional.
