Page:Political Tracts.djvu/142

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nor and his court. Thoſe who are intruſted with the care of kingdoms in another hemiſphere, muſt always be truſted with power to defend them.

As little can be inferred from his reception at the Spaniſh court. He is not puniſhed indeed, for what has he done that deſerves puniſhment? He was ſent into America to govern and defend the dominions of Spain. He thought the Engliſh were encroaching, and drove them away. No Spaniard thinks that he has exceeded his duty, nor does the King of Spain charge him with exceſs. The boundaries of dominion in that part of the world have not yet been ſettled; and he miſtook, if a miſtake there was, like a zealous ſubject, in his maſter’s favour.

But all this inquiry is ſuperfluous. Conſidered as a reparation of honour, the diſavowal of the King of Spain, made in
