Page:Political Tracts.djvu/146

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ſhould he pay? Buccarelli, though he had learned all the arts of an Eaſt-Indian governor, could hardly have collected at Buenos Ayres a ſum ſufficient to ſatisfy our demands. If he be honeſt, he is hardly rich; and if he be diſpoſed to rob, he has the misfortune of being placed where robbers have been before him.

The king of Spain indeed delayed to comply with our propoſals, and our armament was made neceſſary by unſatisfactory anſwers and dilatory debates. The delay certainly increaſed our expences, and it is not unlikely that the increaſe of our expences put an end to the delay.

But this is the inevitable proceſs of human affairs. Negociation requires time. What is not apparent to intuition muſt be found by inquiry. Claims that have remained doubtful for ages cannot be ſettled in a day. Reciprocal complaints are not
