Page:Political Tracts.djvu/156

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To ſelect and depute thoſe, by whom laws are to be made, and taxes to be granted, is a high dignity and an important truſt: and it is the buſineſs of every elector to conſider, how this dignity may be well ſuſtained, and this truſt faithfully diſcharged.

It ought to be deeply impreſſed on the minds of all who have voices in this national deliberation, that no man can deſerve a ſeat in parliament who is not a Patriot. No other man will protect our rights, no other man can merit our confidence.

A patriot is he whoſe public conduct is regulated by one ſingle motive, the love of his country; who, as an agent in parliament, has for himſelf neither hope nor fear, neither kindneſs nor reſentment, but refers every thing to the common intereſt.
