Page:Political Tracts.djvu/169

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or enforcing diſputable rights of little importance.

It may therefore be ſafely pronounced, that thoſe men are no Patriots, who when the national honour was vindicated in the fight of Europe, and the Spaniards having invaded what they call their own, had ſhrunk to a diſavowal of their attempt and a relaxation of their claim, would ſtill have have inſtigated us to a war for a bleak and barren ſpot in the Magellanic ocean, of which no uſe could be made unleſs it were a place of exile for the hypocrites of patriotiſm.

Yet let it not be forgotten, that by the howling violence of patriotic rage, the nation was for a time exaſperated to ſuch madneſs, that for a barren rock, under a ſtormy ſky, we might have now been fighting and dying, had not our competi-
