Page:Political Tracts.djvu/18

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That ſuch power ſhould reſide in the Houſe of Commons in ſome caſes, is inevitably neceſſary, ſince it is required by every polity, that where there is a poſſibility of offence, there ſhould be a poſſibility of puniſhment. A member of the Houſe cannot be cited for his conduct in Parliament before any other court; and therefore, if the Houſe cannot puniſh him, he may attack with impunity the rights of the people, and the title of the King.

This exemption from the authority of other courts was, I think, firſt eſtabliſhed in favour of the five members in the long parliament. It is not to be conſidered as an uſurpation, for it is implied in the principles of government. If legiſlative powers are not co-ordinate, they ceaſe in part to be legiſlative; and if they be coordinate, they are unaccountable; for to whom muſt that power account, which has no ſuperiour?
