Page:Political Tracts.djvu/190

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Yet this, like other general characters, will ſometimes fail. The traders of Birmingham have reſcued themſelves from all imputation of narrow ſelfiſhneſs by a manly recommendation to Parliament of the rights and dignity of their native country.

To theſe men I do not intend to aſcribe an abſurd and enthuſiaſtick contempt of intereſt, but to give them the rational and juſt praiſe of diſtinguiſhing real from ſeeming good, of being able to ſee through the cloud of interpoſing difficulties, to the laſting and ſolid happineſs of victory and ſettlement.

Leſt all theſe topicks of perſuaſion ſhould fail, the great actor of patriotiſm has tried another, in which terrour and pity are happily combined, not without a proper ſuperaddition of that admiration which latter ages have brought into the
