Page:Political Tracts.djvu/197

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the opinion. So many political dogmatiſts have denied to the Mother-country the power of taxing the Colonies, and have enforced their denial with ſo much violence of outcry, that their ſect is already very numerous, and the publick voice ſuſpends its deciſion.

In moral and political queſtions the conteſt between intereſt and juſtice has been often tedious and often fierce, but perhaps it never happened before, that juſtice found much oppoſition with intereſt on her ſide.

For the ſatisfaction of this inquiry, it is neceſſary to confider how a Colony is conſtituted, what are the terms of migration as dictated by Nature, or ſettled by compact, and what ſocial or political rights the man loſes, or acquires, that leaves his country to eſtabliſh himſelf in a diſtant plantation.
