Page:Political Tracts.djvu/201

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tion; and had navigation been at that time diffidently advanced to make ſo long a paſſage eaſily practicable, there is little reaſon for doubting but the intumeſcence of nations would have found its vent, like all other expanſive violence, where there was leaſt reſiſtance; and that Huns and Vandals, inſtead of fighting their way to the South of Europe, would have gone by thouſands and by myriads under their ſeveral chiefs to take poſſeſſion of regions ſmiling with pleaſure and waving with fertility, from which the naked inhabitants were unable to repel them.

Every expedition would in thoſe days of laxity have produced a diſtinct and independent ſtate. The Scandinavian heroes might have divided the country among them, and have ſpread the feudal ſubdiviſion of regality from Hudſon’s Bay to the Pacific Ocean.
