Page:Political Tracts.djvu/204

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though they took gold and ſilver to themſelves, they ſeized iſlands and kingdoms in the name of their Sovereigns. When a new region was gained, a governour was appointed by that power which had given the commiſſion to the conqueror; nor have I met with any European but Stukeley of London, that formed a deſign of exalting himſelf in the newly found countries to independent dominion.

To ſecure a conqueſt, it was always neceſſary to plant a colony, and territories thus occupied and ſettled were rightly conſidered as mere extenſions or proceſſes of empire; as ramifications which by the circulation of one publick intereſt communicated with the original ſource of dominion, and which were kept flouriſhing and ſpreadrng by the radical vigour of the Mother-country.

The Colonies of England differ no otherwiſe from thoſe of other nations, than as
