Page:Political Tracts.djvu/219

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owe as natural-born ſubjects, or any degree of independence or immunity not enjoyed by other Engliſhmen.

They ſay, That by ſuch emigration they by no means forfeited, ſurrendered, or loſt any of thoſe rights; but that they were, and their deſcendants now are, entitled to the exerciſe and enjoyment of all ſuch of them as their local and other circumſtances enable them to exerciſe and enjoy.

That they who form a ſettlement by a lawful Charter having committed no crime forfeit no privileges, will be readily confeſſed; but what they do not forfeit by any judicial ſentence, they may loſe by natural effects. As man can be but in one place at once, he cannot have the advantages of multiplied reſidence. He that will enjoy the brightneſs of ſunſhine, muſt quit the coolneſs of the ſhade. He who goes voluntarily to America, cannot complain of loſing what he leaves in Europe. He
