Page:Political Tracts.djvu/229

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For this reaſon many populous and opulent towns neither enjoy nor deſire particular repreſentatives: they are included in the general ſcheme of publick adminiſtration, and cannot ſuffer but with the reſt of the Empire.

It is urged that the Americans have not the ſame ſecurity, and that a Britiſh Legiſlator may wanton with their property; yet if it be true, that their wealth is our wealth, and that their ruin will be our ruin, the Parliament has the ſame intereſt in attending to them, as to any other part of the nation. The reaſon why we place any confidence in our repreſentatives is, that they muſt ſhare in the good or evil which their counſels ſhall produce. Their ſhare is indeed commonly conſequential and remote; but it is not often poſſible that any immediate advantage can be extended to fuch numbers as may prevail againſt it. We are therefore as ſecure
