Page:Political Tracts.djvu/234

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paid, but given; it was not a tax or tribute, but a preſent. Yet they have the natural and legal power of levying money on themſelves for provincial purpoſes, of providing for their own expence, at their own diſcretion. Let not this be thought new or ſtrange; it is the ſtate of every pariſh in the kingdom.

The friends of the Americans are of different opinions. Some think that being unrepreſented they ought to tax themſelves, and others that they ought to have repreſentatives in the Britiſh Parliament.

If they are to tax themſelves, what power is to remain in the ſupreme Legiſlature? That they muſt ſettle their own mode of levying their money is ſuppoſed. May the Britiſh Parliament tell them how much they ſhall contribute? If the ſum may be preſcribed, they will return few thanks for the power of raiſing it; if they are
