Page:Political Tracts.djvu/241

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proportionate to their malice. When they talk of their pretended immunities guarrantied by the plighted faith of Government, and the moſt ſolemn compacts with Engliſh Sovereigns, we think ourſelves at liberty to inquire when the faith was plighted and the compact made; and when we can only find that King James and King Charles the Firſt promiſed the ſettlers in Maſſachuſet’s Bay, now famous by the appellation of Boſtonians, exemption from taxes for ſeven years, we infer with Mr. Mauduit, that by ſolemn compact, they were, after expiration of the ſtipulated term, liable to taxation.

When they apply to our compaſſion, by telling us, that they are to be carried from their own country to be tried for certain offences, we are not ſo ready to pity them, as to adviſe them not to offend. While they are innocent they are ſafe.
