Page:Political Tracts.djvu/26

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through all ranks and through both ſexes; women and children have clamoured for Mr. Wilkes, honeſt ſimplicity has been cheated into fury, and only the wiſe have eſcaped infection.

The greater part may juſtly be ſuſpected of not believing their own poſition, and with them it is not neceſſary to diſpute. They cannot be convinced, who are convinced already, and it is well known that they will not be aſhamed.

The deciſion, however, by which the ſmaller number of votes was preferred to the greater, has perplexed the minds of ſome, whoſe opinions it were indecent to deſpiſe, and who by their integrity well deſerve to have their doubts appeaſed.

Every diffuſe and complicated queſtion may be examined by different methods, upon different principles; and that truth,
