Page:Political Tracts.djvu/261

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the Corniſh proclamation; becauſe it is too wild for folly and too fooliſh for madneſs. If we do not withhold our King and his Parliament from taxing them, they will croſs the Atlantick and enſlave us.

How they will come they have not told us; perhaps they will take wing, and light upon our coaſts. When the cranes thus begin to flutter, it is time for pygmies to keep their eyes about them. The Great Orator obſerves, that they will be very fit, after they have been taxed, to impoſe chains upon us. If they are ſo fit as their friend deſcribes them, and ſo willing as they deſcribe themſelves, let us increaſe our army, and double our militia.

It has been of late a very general practice to talk of ſlavery among thoſe who are ſetting at defiance every power that keeps the world in order. If the learned
