Page:Political Tracts.djvu/263

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From force many endeavours have been uſed, either to diſſuade, or to deter us. Sometimes the merit of the Americans is exalted, and ſometimes their ſufferings are aggravated. We are told of their contributions to the laſt war, a war incited by their outcries, and continued for their protection, a war by which none but themſelves were gainers. All that they can boaſt is, that they did ſomething for themſelves, and did not wholly ſtand inactive, while the ſons of Britain were fighting in their cauſe.

If we cannot admire, we are called to pity them; to pity thoſe that ſhew no regard to their mother-country; have obeyed no law which they could violate; have imparted no good which they could with-hold; have entered into aſſociations of fraud to rob their creditors; and into combinations to diſtreſs all who depended on their commerce. We are reproached with the cruelty of ſhutting one port, where
