Page:Poor Cecco - 1925.djvu/111

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Chapter XI


The first to arrive were Mr. and Mrs. Weasel, and their friends the Chipmunks. Old Ezra Bunny came next with his family, and then the High-Hangers, who wore red waistcoats and were rather superior, Mrs. Fieldmouse, and the Opossums, who were new to the neighbourhood. They had just taken a house in the woodlot across the hill and were anxious to be thought well of, though many considered them humbugs. Then came Auntie Skunk and Uncle Billie Skunk and their four children, and by this time the kitchen was quite full. Thanks to Jensina’s industry most of the laundry bundles had disappeared, except a few which, arranged to look like sofas and chairs, did very well for the company to sit upon. Mrs. Woodchuck’s guests tried to appear politely unaware of the real nature of the furniture beneath them; only Mrs. Weasel, seeing a fragment of brown calico peeping out, was heard to remark impulsively:

“There’s my petticoat I’ve missed for three months! I do wish she’d send the things back if she’s ever going to!”

Acorn coffee was served, with nuts and carrot sand-