Page:Popular Mechanics 1928 01.pdf/2

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Mirrors—help deaf children learn to talk 79
Money—air driers speed output of 96
Moving Pictures
camera and projector take pictures on paper 89
of birds and insects teach flying secrets 55
waves made with boxes 48
Museum—Philadelphia art, millions spent on curves that fool the eye 32
Navy—U.S., breaking the world's big gun record 66
Occupations—the most dangerous jobs 49
Ocean—Monaco, home of its story 97
Oil—search for, leads to sea on California coast 113
Orchids—grown under glass rival tropic kin 49
Pansy—four-inch blossoms 58
Playground Apparatus—fire escape as child's slide 25
Police—models help teach street location 39
Radio—short waves cast shadows 1
Radio—Aerials—ball antenna kit 124
Radio—Applications—voice starts and stops train 112
five dollars builds A-battery and charger 121
homemade fuses on cable 124
snap terminals on leads 130
testing kink 131
Radio—B-Eliminator—resistance C-bias for B-eliminator 133
Radio—Condensers—fixed midget easy to wire 133
Radio—Installation—efficient radio ground 134
Radio—Pictorial 125
bunched leads for sharp tuning 132
controlling tone and volume 133
selectivity feature of aero-dyne six 127
superheterodyne kink 132
Radio—Repairs—trouble-shooting kinks 134
light-sensitive 136
new tube is self-neutralized 135
output impedance for power tube 131
power tubes used as detectors 132
Razor—safety, blade moves like mower's 10
Reindeer—herds of Alaska to supply future meat 102
longer life for, seen in new treatment 78
as upholstering substitute for springs 114
Saws—motor bone, saves work for butcher 120
Seasickness—gas latest cure 4
Sewage Gas—as fuel to drive electric generator 94
Shale—makes concrete light without strength loss 114
Sharks—ship hunts sea terrors to make shoes 108
Shaving Accessories—lather bulb replaces brush 33
Ships and Shipping
running a seagoing hotel 18
speed boat to cross Atlantic in four days 8
when a ship is arrested 65
Siphon—employs bulb to start and stop 71
Skin—registers emotions 79
Skyscrapers—have they reached their limit? 34
Sled—with roller runners speeds over bare ground 74
Slippers—paper, given to hotel guests 45
Smokers' Accessories—pipe cleaning set in holder carried like pen 113
kept dark to protect birds 46
outline hidden with steel framework 57
Snowflakes—icy jewels of winter storms 116
Statue—Lincoln shown as lawyer 89
Steel—better and cheaper, by new process 103
from wood 99
used as medicine in early ages 88
bathers' push wheel adds sport to 88
spinning wheel adds sport 33
Taxes—aerial maps cut city 17
Television—fashion designs by radio 42
Tires—faults revealed by superspeed photos 81
Tongs—to remove clinkers save coal and dirt 14
rotary, aids dental hygiene 39
with replaceable head, cleans between teeth 100
Towels—hotel, are popular souvenirs 120
endless track for train, novel window display 107
miniature castle doll house 17
Traffic—street guide, at curve, saves extra police 94
Trousers—protected from storms by waterproof covers 86
Tunnel—ten-mile under-sea (Japan) 16
Typewriting—chart to teach, saves students' time 112
Umbrella—growing handles 45
Vacuum Cleaner—hand-size, simplifies housework 99
Voice—defects in speech recorded to aid speakers 8
Volcano—model is feature of exhibit 25
Washbasin—for industrial plant, pedal saves time and water 57
Washer—has even grip to defeat vibration 53
Wasps—raised to fight codling moth 42
Water Pipes—why hot freeze more readily than cold 119
Weather—insects are prophets 107
Weather Vane—grasshopper, honors business man 64
Whales—tagged to aid study of habits 80
Wood—walnut trees grafted for beautiful grain 86
Workers—produce more today despite shorter hours 46
animals' health guarded by special weather 74
sailors' pets form collection 99
sight-seeing bus for small boys 80


Aquarium—top for 153
eliminating alcohol odors 152
locking Ford windows 151
Automobiles—Driving—natural gas for starting 142
Automobiles—Repairs—lamp for locating short circuits 141
Baby Chair—non-tipping 141
Bicycle—with auto steering wheel 156
Clock—how to level 156
Clothes Hanger—moth-proof 151
Clothesline—detachable reel 148
Door—silencer for sick room 151
Kitchen—filing cabinet aid in 152
Latches—for outside cellar doors 150
Lath—spraying speeds work 155
Mirror—campers' shaving 152
Paste—to squeeze from rubes 140
Photography—loading box aids field work 153
Rat Trap—simple way of deodorising 141
Ship Models—"Flying Cloud" 143
Skating—skate-sailing is thrilling sport 137
Sled—barrel stave 151
Snowslides—prevented by wire loops 155
Soap Bubbles—blowing giant 142
Valve Springs—uses for old 155
Wool-how to shrink darning 141


etching on 175
how to mend with zinc 174
double wheels conquer soft dirt 158
packing for Ford window glass 163
Automobiles—Repairs—restoring contact of third generator brush 175
Automobiles—Tires—vulcanizing inner tubes 173
Belting—softening hard leather 176
Coal—easily built portable bin 175
Commutator—tool for cleaning 164
Crankcases—machine for lapping 162
Crucible—improvised electric 170
accurate perpendiculars with a 2-foot rule 169
a timesaver for 159
reading glass for 163
Drawings—protected from being soiled 161
Drilling—vertical holes without drill press 163
Dumb-Waiter—how to build 171
Eave Trough—combination hanger 164
Fertilizer—continuous for the garden 161
Furnace—easy way to fill water pan 163
Garage—Equipment and Supplies small crane 173
Gaskets—renovating copper asbestos 173
Handle—to operate two cocks 162
Hay—baled, dolly for handling 169
Iron—drilling chilled cast 169
Lathe—fitting, to do job requiring larger swing 175
Paints—effective tool for stirring 160
unscrewing thin tubing 174
well, removing driven 170
Piston—ring compressor 162
Pliers—have stop for bending wire 161
Potato—better plants 174
Pump—old, making new 165
Sandpaper—using in plane 161
Saw Frame—farm, uses for 160
Saws and Sawing—case for the tool chest 174
Tank—hot-water, insulating 157
Vegetables—handy containers for store 159
Wire—coiled by aid of copper pipe 172