Page:Popular Mechanics 1928 01.pdf/95

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ested in the highway-safety problem have outlined a series of objectives which are now being put under way, as follows:

The Train Won This Race; at Right Is a Chart Showing the Ages of Highway-Accident Victims

First, the education and regulation of pedestrian traffic, as well as motor-vehicle traffic.

Second, the adoption of a standard code of motor-vehicle laws in every state of the union.

Third, education in safety and accident prevention will be incorporated in the schools, both public and private.

Fourth, motorists will be asked to protect the design and materials of their automobiles by periodic adjustment and replacement.

Fifth, a comprehensive program of street widening and the elimination of grade crossings will be carried out throughout the nation.

"Co-operation of motorist and pedestrian in behalf of public safety can save thousands of lives during the next few years," according to the report of the American Roadbuilders association.

"Ninety-five per cent of all accidents are the result of failure of the human machine, rather than faulty mechanism or engineering. No amount of rules and regulations will eliminate these accidents unless they are embodied as a portion of the simple code of courtesy and caution."


With All the Fingers inside the Trigger Guard, the Gunner Is Less Likely to Suffer Injuries

Taking some of the bumps out of shotgun shooting is the function of an improved trigger guard recently introduced. It permits inserting the entire hand within the frame so that when firing a double-barreled gun, the recoil is not likely to bruise the second finger, an injury frequently experienced with the usual piece if it is not held sufficiently tight.