Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 14.djvu/727

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French, which he details. 3d. A breakdown in the char-à-banc that takes them to the river. Has now got a singing-master, and takes first lesson in Solféges et Principes de Musique. Again at Franconi's, and full of the performance; for a wonder, no studies recorded. 4th. Rose at five; home from bathing, etc., at half past seven. Has obtained Voltaire's Essai sur les Mœurs, which he includes among his stated reading: breakfast at quarter to nine: at half past nine, begins Voltaire where he left off in England, read six chapters in two hours; Virgil's Georgics, forty-seven lines; at quarter past twelve began a treatise on French Adverbs; at half past one began the second book of Legendre, read the definitions and five propositions; miscellaneous employments till three, then took second Music-lesson. Dined; family again to Franconi's, but he could not give up his dancing-lesson; this got, he writes French exercises and practices music. 5th. Rose at five; too rainy for bathing. Five chapters of Voltaire; from half past seven till half past eight Mr. G. corrects his French exercises which had got into arrears as regards correction; Music-master came; at half past nine began new exercises (French); puts his room in order; at quarter past eleven took out Lucian and finished Necyomantia; five propositions of Legendre, renewed expressions of his superiority to all other geometers; practiced Music-lessons; Thomson's Chemistry, made out various Chemical tables, the drift not explained; at quarter past three, tried several propositions in West, and made out two that he had formerly failed in; began a table of fifty-eight rivers in France, to show what departments each passes through, and the chief towns on their banks; four, dined; finishes Chemical table; dancing-lesson; supped. Reports that a distinguished music-mistress is engaged at whose house he is to have instrumental practice. 6th. Rose at six; no bathing; five chapters of Voltaire; a quarter of an hour to West's Problems; lesson in Music (Principes); problems resumed; breakfasted, and tried problem again till quarter past ten; French exercises till eleven; began to correct his Dialogue, formerly mentioned, till quarter past twelve; summoned to dress for going out to call; has found a French master; at quarter past one returned and corrected Dialogue till quarter past three; Thomson till four (dinner), resumed till six; Mr. G. corrects his French exercises; went out for his French lesson, but the master did not teach on Sundays and Thursdays; back to Thomson till eight; repeated fables to Mr. G., miscellaneous affairs; supped; journal always written just before going to bed. 7th. Rose forty-five minutes past five; five chapters Voltaire till seven; till quarter past seven, forty-six lines of Virgil; till eight, Lucian's Jupiter Confutatus; goes on a family errand; Music-lesson till nine (Principes); Lucian continued till half past nine, and finished after breakfast at quarter past ten; a call required him to dress; read Thomson and made tables till quarter past twelve; seven propositions of Legendre; has him over the coals, for his confusion in regard to ratio "takes away a good deal of my opin-