Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 18.djvu/678

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weathering are to be seen in Greyfriars Churchyard. On the south wall, in the inclosure of a well-known county family, there is an oblong upright marble slab measuring 301/4 inches in height by 223/8 inches in breadth, and three fourths of an inch in thickness, facing west. The last inscription on it bears the date 1838, at which time it was no doubt still smooth and upright. Since then, however, it has escaped from its fastenings on either side, though still held firmly at the top and bottom. It consequently projects from the wall like a well-filled sail. The axis of curvature is of course parallel to the upper and lower margins, and the amount of curvature from the original vertical line is fully two and a half inches, so that the hand and arm can be inserted between the curved marble and the perfectly vertical and undisturbed wall to which it was fixed. At the lower end of this slab a minor curvature, to the extent of one eighth of an inch, is observable coincident with the longer axes of the stone. In both cases the direction of the bending has been determined by the position of the inclosing solid frame of sandstone which resisted the internal expansion of the marble. Freed from its fastenings at either side, the stone has assumed a simple wave-like curve. But the tension has become so great that a series of rents has appeared along the crest of the fold. One of these has a breadth of one tenth of an inch at its opening.[1] Not only has the slab been ruptured, but its crust has likewise yielded to the strain, and has broken up into a network of cracks, and some of the isolated portions are beginning to curl up at the edges, exposing the crumbling, decayed marble below. I should add that such has been the expansive force of the marble that the part of the sandstone block in the upper part of the frame exposed to the direct pressure has begun to exfoliate, though elsewhere the stone is quite sound.

More advanced stages of curvature and fracture may be noticed on many other tombstones in the same burying-place. One of the most conspicuous of these has a peculiar interest from the fact that it occurs on the tablet erected to the memory of one of the most illustrious dead whose dust lies within the precincts of the Greyfriars—the great Joseph Black. He died in 1799. In the center of the sumptuous tomb raised over his grave is inserted a large upright slab of white marble, which, facing south, is protected from the weather partly by heavy overhanging masonry, and partly by a high stone wall immediately to the west. On this slab a Latin inscription records with pious reverence the genius and achievements of the discoverer of carbonic acid and latent heat, and adds that his friends wished to mark his resting-place by the marble while it should last. Less than eighty years, however, have sufficed to render the inscription already partly illegible. The stone, still firmly held all round its margin, has bulged out

  1. It is a further curious fact that the slab measures half an inch more in breadth across the center, where it has had room to expand, than at the top, where it has been tightly jammed between the sandstone slabs.