Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 2.djvu/777

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pared with rapidity, but the reader, we think, will find few traces of it. They were written out with extreme care, and, in vividness of description, felicity of illustration, and transparent clearness, they fall below nothing that this author has given us before. The text is accompanied with numerous neatly-executed cuts of apparatus and experiments, which will aid the thousands who heard the lectures to recall the scenes and circumstances of their delivery, while other thousands, who saved their time and money by absence, will get the result of the professor's teachings in a form by no means unsatisfactory.

Prof. Tyndall came to this country, not to have a "good time," but to do hard work; and he worked hard, not to profit himself, but to promote the interests of science, which he has most at heart. And he not only gave his talent, his exertion, and six months of his precious time, to this object, but he left all the profits of the enterprise to be used for promoting scientific education.

Prof. Tyndall's receipts from his lectures in the several cities were as follows:

Boston, six lectures $1,500
Philadelphia, six lectures 3,000
Baltimore, three lectures 1,000
Washington, six lectures 2,000
New York, six lectures 8,500
Brooklyn, six lectures 6,100
New Haven, two lectures 1,000
Total $23,100

Of this amount, the surplus above expenses, amounting to upward of $13,000, was conveyed, by an article of trust, to the charge of a committee, of which Prof. Joseph Henry is chairman, and which is authorized to expend the interest in aid of students who devote themselves to original researches. This is certainly a noble example, and deserves to be emulated.

The "Proceedings of the Farewell Banquet to Prof. Tyndall" are now in press, and are soon to be published in a pamphlet. It will contain letters from the scientific men throughout the country, and all the speeches delivered on the occasion, revised by their authors.

Arrangements have been made by the firm of Holt & Williams to furnish the Fortnightly Review to American subscribers at the reduced price of $6.00 a year, or 50 cents a number. This able periodical was projected and established by Mr. George H. Lewes, some ten years ago, and was at first, as its name implies, published once a fortnight. It was modelled on the* plan of the Revue des Deux Mondes, the leading French periodical, which is issued every two weeks. After three or four years, however, Mr. Lewes withdrew from his management, and it was changed to a monthly, under the editorship of Mr. Morley, author of the excellent papers on Voltaire and Rousseau. The Fortnightly is the chief organ of the Positivist writers in England, such as Mill, Harrison, Brydges, and contains much able discussion of radical politics and advanced philosophy.

Annals of Bee Culture, for 1872, D. L. Adair, Editor (published by John P. Morton, Louisville, Ky.), contains twenty-two papers by well-known authorities on matters relating to the apiary. The opening article, "The Genesis of the Honey-Bee," by the editor, will well repay an attentive perusal.


Manual of Paleontology. By Henry Alleyne Nicholson. Edinburgh, 1872. Blackwood.

Caliban: the Missing Link. By Daniel Wilson, LL. D. London and New York: Macmillan.

Modern Diabolism; Commonly called Modern Spiritualism. With New Theories of Light, Heat, etc. By M. J. Williamson. New York, 1873. James Miller. (Not worth reading.)

Arrangement of the Families of Fishes (Smithsonian . Miscellaneous Collections, 247). By Theodore Gill, M. D., Ph. D. Washington, 1872.

Arrangement of the Families of Mammals. Same author.

Traction Engines and Steam Road-rollers. By Prof. R. H. Thurston, of Stevens Institute of Technology.

Lecture before the Burlington Library Association, by Philip Harvey, M. D.

Birds of North America.

What Physiological Value has Phos-