Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 22.djvu/890

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Jaw-Bone, The Infant Giant, of Stramberg 138
Juniper, Folk-Lore of the Elder and the 861

Kacheen, Marriage Customs of the 573

Lacassagne, A. 244
Land Question, Herbert Spencer and the 858
Lansing, Gerrit L 577
Lapham, Increase Allen, Sketch of 835
Larrabee, W. H. 30
Law against Right 699
Ledyard, L. W. 842
Le Sueur, W. D., B.A. 145
Letters, Roman, Physiological Analogies of the 285
Life, American, Social Forces in 491
Life, Animal, Queer Phases of 589
Life-Insurance, The Decline of 429
Lion, The British 72
Literary Notices 123
Literary Notices 276
Literary Notices 414
Literary Notices 560
Literary Notices 704
Literary Notices 850
Lockwood, S., Ph.D. 341
Lunatics, Criminal, Responsibility of 859
Lyman, Oliver E. 803

Magnified Objects, Apparent Size of 137
Mallock and his New Science 121
Man, Antiquity of, in America 286
Marriage Laws, Indian 135
Mastodon, A, in an Old Beaver-Meadow 341
Matter, Speculations on the Nature of 788
Medicine, The Schools of 535
Mental Shock and Inebriety 717
Miles, Manly, M.D. 81
Miles, Manly, M.D. 383
Moraine, The Glacial, in Pennsylvania 134
Mortality in Town and Country 424
Mound-Builders, Were the, Indians? 284
Musical Sensations 225

Names, Geographical, Central American, Letter on 120
Narcotics, Lessons on the Danger of 718
Nerve-Vibration as a Remedy 575
North Atlantic, Ice and Fog in the 628
Notes 143
Notes 288
Notes 431
Notes 575
Notes 719
Notes 863

Observatory, Dearborn, Work of the 570
Ohm's Law, Experimental Demonstration of 713
Oswald, Felix L. 63
Oswald, Felix L. 345
Oswald, Felix L. 471
Oswald, Felix L. 589
Oswald, Felix L. 754
Overwork, The Question of 411

Parrish, Dr. Joseph 622
Pasteur, A Medal to 284
Pathology, A Chapter in Transcendental 659
Petroleum, Origin of 284