Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 26.djvu/885

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I N D E X.

Abuse, The, of Political Power 273
Acupuncture, Chinese 859
Addresses, American Association 282
Addresses, British Association 138
Agnosticism, Last Words About 310
Agnostic Metaphysics 299
Agriculture, Field-Experiments in 498
Air-Wave, The Krakatoa, Velocities of 423
Alabama, The Cotton Production of 422
Alcoholic Trance 187
Allen, Grant 177
Allen, Grant 468
Allen, W. F. 145
Amazon, The Great Bore of the 855
American Aspects of Anthropology 152
Animal Character, Oddities of 261
Animals, The Food of 858
Anthropology, American Aspects of 152
Apiculture 803
Architecture, The, of Town-Houses 379
Aristotle as a Zoölogist 796
Arithmetic, Advantages of a Binary 574
Armsby, Professor H. P. 498
Arrangement, Internal, of Town-Houses 826
Arts, Domestic, in Damaraland 99
Ascetic, An, Indian Tribe 717
Association, American, Addresses 282
Association, British, Addresses 138
Association, The American, at Philadelphia 124
Association, The French 285
Association, The, of Official Chemists 286
Astronomy, Pending Problems of 46
Aughey, Samuel 267

Beaver, More About the 267
Benedict, W. K. 731
Biedermann, Dr. 691
Birds'-Nests, Edible, Gathering 430
Birds, Why, Sing 541
Birds, Wild, in Cities 718