Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 28.djvu/909

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Flying-Machines 1
Forest? What is a Real 567
Forestry Congress, The American 281
Forests in the Pacific Region 421
Formosan Sketch, A 862
Freedom, Scientific 408
French, The, Problem in Canada 781

Game, a, The History of 282
Gems, The, of the National Museum 823
Genesis, Mr. Gladstone and 788
Genesis, Proem to 614
Genesis, The Interpreters of, and the Interpreters of Nature 449
Geological Congress, The International 569
Geology at the American Association 284
Germination, Temperature of 574
Ghost, The Decline of the 410
Glacial Action, The Southern Limits of 856
Gladstone-Huxley, The, Controversy 840
Gladstone, Mr., and Genesis 788
Gladstone, William E. 614
Gladstone, William E. 865

Hale, Horatio 296
Hand-Work, The, of School-Children 812
Hand-Work, The, of School-Children 843
Hartmann, Robert 736
Health, Instinct as a Guide to 517
Hell Gate. The Improvement of East River and 433
Heredity, Some Aspects of 142
Hewitt, G, C 268
High-School, The, Democracy in 859
Hindoo Cosmogony and Physics 426
Hochheimer, Lewis 830
Honey-Bee, Vision of the 143
Horsley, V., F.R.C.S. 100
House-Building, Japanese 643
Housekeeping, Family Schools of 422
Howard, Charles P. 169
Human Remains, Prehistoric, in Mexico 420
Hume, John F. 69
Huxley, Professor T. H. 449
Huxley, Professor T. H. 788
Huygens, Sketch of 835
Hyatt, Professor Alpheus, Sketch of 261
Hydrophobia, Inoculation against 289

Ice-Cave, A New Zealand 570
Indians, The, of Mount Roraima 282
Inertia of the Eye and the Brain 861
Infancy in the City 683
Inoculation against Hydrophobia 289
Insect Habits 283