Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 32.djvu/894

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Milk, The Adulteration of (Henderson) 529
Mills, T. Wesley 266
Mineralogy, The Present Status of (Clarke) 799
Minerals, Artificial, Production of 286
Mistakes in treating Organic Refuse 714
Monkeys, The, of Dutch Guiana (Kappler) 396
Moon, The, and the Weather (Oliver) 473
Morgan, Appleton 332
Morris, Robert T., M.D. 534
Morse, Professor Edward S. 100
Morse, Professor Edward S. 492
Mortality, Relative, of Social Classes 428
Moth-Trap, A Floral 717
Mound-Builders, Opinions about 710

Nason, Henry Bradford, Sketch of 694
Nerve-Shock, Results of 712
Newberry, Dr. J. S. 31
Newell, N. E. 257
Neumann-Spallart, F. X. von 806
Notes 142
Notes 287
Notes 430
Notes 575
Notes 718
Notes 863

Object-Teaching, Hints in 285
Oliver, John Westwood 473
Outlook, The Economic (Wells) 455
Oyster-Fattening 555
"Oyster-Fattening," The Chemistry of (Atwater) 76

Panama, Inventions at (Weld) 145
Panama, Progress at (Rogers) 447
Panama Canal, The 709
Peabody Museum, The 570
Persian Astrologers 141
Phenomena, Social, The Uniformity of (Neumann-Spallart) 806
Phonology, English (Kellogg) 387
Photographing Birds 430
Photography as an Aid to Astronomy 426
Plerson, C. W. 199
Plerson, C. W. 368
Plant-Growth, Another Anomaly in (Schellenberg) 122
Plants, Food and Fiber, of the North American Indians (Newberry) 31
Plants, The Earliest (Dawson) 787
Plants with Insect-Guards 573
Play, Out-Door, for School-Girls 856
Popular Miscellany 136
Popular Miscellany 281
Popular Miscellany 423
Popular Miscellany 569
Popular Miscellany 709
Popular Miscellany 856
Prudden, T. Mitchell, M. D. 668
Publisher. His own 573
Purse-Web Spider, The Nest of the 862

Race, An Outcast, in the Pyrenees 546
Race and Language (Hale) 340
Railroads and Trade-Centers (Morgan) 332