Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 40.djvu/325

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After leaving the Ott and Brewer Company he went in 1883 with the Harris Manufacturing Company, now the Trent Tile Company, as modeler, and afterward in 1886, was instrumental in establishing the Providential Tile Works, of Trenton, N. J., and designed many of their best works. Through his influence the Beaver Falls establishment has made, during the past year and a half, rapid strides in the development of decorative tile manufacture. A complete ceramic color scale has been achieved and a series of glazes produced, of soft, rich tones, a most important result obtained being entire freedom from "crazing," which has already given these works a high reputation Prof. Broome is an indefatigable worker and a prolific artist, his sculptures being characterized by exquisite conception and beautiful execution. While he has produced many more pretentious works, some of his simple

Fig. 38.—Beaver Falls Stove Tiles.

designs leave nothing to be desired. One of his most highly admired pieces is a six-inch tile with a Grecian figure (Sappho) leaning on a harp. Prof. Broome has also designed some twelve by twelve inch tiles of great merit which will soon be submitted to the public.

The American Encaustic Tiling Company, of Zanesville, Ohio, is the most extensive establishment of the kind in the United States. It manufactures artistic and encaustic tiles, and has placed upon the market some fine pieces of relief work, twelve by eighteen inches in size among the subjects of which we have seen some female water-carriers of Grecian type. This factory also