Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 43.djvu/574

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in four periods—the period of preparation, ending about a. d. 1400, of which Chaucer is the principal representative; the period of Italian influence (The Revival of Learning and the Puritan in Literature), 1400 to 1600, represented by Spenser, Bacon, Milton, the Elizabethans and the Puritans; the period of French influence, 1660 to about 1750, of which Dryden, Addison and the eighteenth century essays, and Pope are the most conspicuous examples: and the modern English period, including the earlier writers of this century and recent writers to Browning and Tennyson. In the appendix are a Literary Map of England, a list of authors to accompany the map, a Chaucer glossary, and an index.

The Naturalist on the River Amazons. By Henry Walter Bates, with a Memoir of the Author by Edward Clodd. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 395.

We have already, in our biographical sketch of Mr. Bates, borne testimony to the value of his work on the Amazons, and to the value and interest of this book, and now speak of the peculiar features of the present edition. It is a reprint of the original unabridged edition, with a map and illustrations, including a double colored plate of butterflies to illustrate the theory of mimicry. The description of the book in the subtitle as A Record of Adventures, Habits of Animals, Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature under the Equator, during Eleven Years of Travel, shows how comprehensive and varied it is. The memoir, by Mr. Edward Clodd, a near personal friend, who had more than an editor's interest in composing the tribute, has been enriched by letters furnished by Sir Joseph Hooker and Mr. Francis Darwin, with letters from Sir Joseph Hooker and the elder Darwin to Mr. Bates.

A Treatise on Public Health and its Applications in Different European Countries. By Albert Palmberg. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 530. Price, $5.

The author is a health officer, and is active in movements in behalf of public health in Finland. The present edition of his work is a translation from the French original, made at his request by Dr. Arthur Newsholme, of Brighton, who has also brought up to date and completed the chapter on England, and summarized the recent legislation. The treatise is based on the practice in different countries. An analysis of the part relating to England will illustrate the plan and scope of the whole. The first chapter gives a general review of the sanitary administration, with accounts of the local government board, local sanitary districts, and local boards of health, duties of the several health officers, statistical tables, and the daily progress in an urban sanitary office. The next chapter comprises a summary of sanitary legislation as embodied in the Public Health Act of 1875—referring to drainage, utilization of sewage, privies and water-closets, sweeping and cleansing of streets, courts, and houses, water supply, common lodging houses, nuisances, offensive trades, etc., through many particulars provided for in the law named and in other sanitary laws. In a third chapter sanitary regulations are described with similar detail. The two following chapters arc given to the sanitary conditions, administration, and regulations of London. The account is there extended to include other countries and their principal cities—Scotland and Edinburgh, Belgium and Brussels, Austria and Vienna, Sweden and Stockholm, and Finland and Helsingfors. These extracts arc followed by statistics showing the importance of public hygiene. The book is rich in descriptions and illustrations of sanitary appliances modern and practical. The author has confined his accounts to countries whose methods he has seen and studied personally on the spot.

The Philosophy of Individuality. By Antoinette Brown Blackwell. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 517. Price, $3.

This work or essay is characterized by the author as "a revised, a broadened, a more full attempt at verification of a system of thoughts less matured in the author's former works, Studies in General Science, and the Physical Basis of Immortality." Its position is that "the character of every perception and of every cognition, and of every mental act of all kinds is dependent in definite degrees upon each and all of the co-operating factors, psychical and physical, which together make up the entire process of every act in which the sensibility is consciously concerned. In other words, all change, all action (change and