Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 50.djvu/896

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Stability of Truth, The. D. S. Jordan 642
Stability of Truth, The. D. S. Jordan 749
Sternberg, George M., M. D. The Malarial Parasites and other Pathogenic Protozoa* 628
Superstitions, Popular. W. J. Hoffman 92
Surgery, Aseptic, Evolution of. (Frag.) 421
Symbolism, Animal, in Ecclesiastical Architecture. A. D, White 187
"Sympsychograph," (Frag.) 282
"The Moral of the. (Corr.) D. S. Jordan 265

Talisman. (Frag.) 284
Taxation, Principles of. D. A. Wells 145
Taxation, Principles of. D. A. Wells 289
Taxation, Principles of. D. A. Wells 468
Taxation, Principles of. D. A. Wells 603
Tides of the Bay of Fundy. (Frag.) 855
Trampdom, The Borderland of. C. W. Noble 252

Vilaró, Juan. Sketch of John Christopher Gundlach. (With Portrait) 691
Vivisection, Shall it be Restricted? (Corr.) A. Leffingwell 265
Volcanoes, Igneous Intrusions and. J. C. Russell 240

Ward, M. E. Disinfection at Quarantine* 344
Wells, David A, How can the Federal Government best raise its Revenues? 721
""Principles of Taxation 145
""Principles of Taxation 289
""Principles of Taxation 468
""Principles of Taxation 603
Wells, Mr., on Methods of National Taxation. (Table) 845
Wheat-Growing, Science in. P. P. Dehérain 101
White, Andrew Dickson. Animal Symbolism in Ecclesiastical Architecture 187
Winter, How Plants and Animals spend the. W. S. Blatchley 496
Wire-Glass. (Frag.) 137
"Woman, The New," and the Problems of the Day. (Table) 120
Women in Business. (Frag.) 718
Women's Art, American. (Frag.) 427
Wood Engraving, Future of. (Frag.) 139
Writing, Antiquity of. (Frag.) 860

X Rays, A Year of the.* D. W. Hering 654

Young, Prof., Congratulations to. (Frag.) 858