Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 57.djvu/368

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spark, the brass balls (in line) and the rods that support them, and the sound wave, which appears in the simplest case as a circle of light and shade surrounding the balls. By placing an obstacle in the way of the wave we get the reflected wave or echo, and we shall see that the form of this echo may be very complicated.

It will be well at the outset to remind the reader of the close analogy between sound and light. A burning candle gives out spherical light waves, just as the snapping sparks give out sound waves. The ~form of the reflected light wave will be identical with that of a sound wave reflected under similar conditions. As we can not see the light waves themselves, we can only determine their form by calculation, and it is interesting to see that the forms photographed are identical in every case with the calculated ones. The object in view was to secure acoustical illustrations of as many of the phenomena connected with light as possible. We will begin with the very simplest case of all: the reflection of a spherical sound wave from a flat surface, corresponding to the reflection of light from a plane mirror. It can be shown by geometry that the reflected wave or echo will be a portion of a

Fig. Sound Wave Reflected from a Plane Surface.

sphere, the center of which lies as far below the reflecting surface as the point at which the sound originates is above it. In the case of light, this point constitutes the image in the mirror. Referring to the photograph, we see the reflected wave in three successive positions, the interval between the sound spark and the illuminating spark having been progressively increased. The brass balls are shown at A, and beneath them the flat plate B, which acts as a reflector. In the first picture the sound wave C appears as a circle of light and shade, and has just intersected the plate. The echo appears at D. In the next two pictures the original wave has passed out of the field, and there remains only the echo.

It may, perhaps, be not out of place to remind the reader of the relation between rays of light and the wave surface. What we term light rays have no real existence, the ray being merely the path traversed by a small portion of consecutive wave surfaces. Since the wave surface always moves in a direction perpendicular to itself, the rays are always normal to it. For instance, in the above case of a spherical wave diverging from a point, the rays radiate in all directions