Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 69.djvu/30

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mentioned, twelve of which are dubious for want of precise dates. From the remaining 677, I find 603 represented in his list, while the great Vienna collection gives but 557, counted in the same manner. The average weights are likewise highly satisfying, the total average, viz: the whole weight of the collection divided by the number of localities is over four kilograms (now 4,138 grams) for the locality."

This is the analysis of a technical expert, and might perhaps but poorly reflect the impressions of one less solicitous about percentages and exhaustiveness. The ocular view must be considered, the sensible visual effect of interest and wonder. In this respect the Ward-Coonley collection is eminently adequate to extort praise. It is now arranged in seven beautiful cases at the north end of the Hall of Geology at the American Museum of Natural History, and the specimens classified in their three groups of iron (Siderite), iron and stone (Siderolite), and stone (Aerolite), present their extended, yet thick and close ranges, most effectively to the spectator. Superb polished slabs, etched and developed, follow one another in the stepped series; and the bewildering number of aerolites, many large, and showing that invaluable and (to the eye of the collector) most exquisite test of certainty, the dark glistening crust of fusion, succeed, installed upon attractive mahogany standards; while a supplemental section of casts, reveals the original form and appearance of many celebrated or singular meteorites.

One of the Seven Cases containing the Ward-Coonley Meteorite Collection, American Museum of Natural History.