Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 84.djvu/402

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Common Names in American Cities and Number Bearing the Name in "Who's Who in America," 1912-13.

New York City Chicago Philadelphia Boston
Smith 27 Johnson 0 4 Smith 7 Smith 8
Brown 13 Smith 7 Miller 4 Sullivan 1
Miller 16 Anderson 2 Brown 4 Murphy 1
Murphy 5 Miller 6 Jones 6 Brown 11
Meyer 3 Brown 6 Johnson 5 Johnson 3
Johnson 9 Peterson 0 Wilson 6 Clark 3
Kelly 4 Jones 2 Kelly 0 O'Brien 1
Cohen 1 Williams 3 Williams 4 McCarthy 0
Levy 1 Wilson 6 Taylor 5 White 2
Williams 13 Thompson 4 Davis 3 Davis 0
Jones 8 Olson 0 Moore 3 McDonald 0
Murry 2 Davis 4 Clark 2 Williams 6
Wilson 7 Ryan 0 Murphy 1 Jones 1
Clark 9 Clark 2 Thompson 1 Kelly 0
Sullivan 2 White 2 Dougherty 0 Hall 3
Martin 8 Kelly 2 Young 2 Taylor 2
White 13 Martin 2 White 6 Doherty 0
Davis 7 Moore 5 Martin 1 Wilson 1
O'Brien 1 Schmidt 0 Thomas 1 Kelly 0
Ryan 3 Sullivan 2 Campbell 1 Donovan 0
Moore 5 Meyer 2 Gallagher 0 Murray 1
Schmidt 0 Murphy 1 Robinson 1 Collins 0
Taylor 9 Brien 0 Myers 0 Robinson 1
Muller 1 Hansen 0 Scott 2 Moore 1
Thompson 7 Larsen 0 Anderson 0 Anderson 2
Anderson 4 Taylor 2 McLaughlin 0 Allen 5
Walsh 3 Walsh 0 Allen 0 Thompson 2
Harris 6 Young 3 Green 1 Hill 3
Reilly 0 Campbell 1 Fisher 2 Ryan 0
Campbell 1 Lewis 2 Walker 1 Miller 0
O'Connor 1 Mueller 0 Morris 4 McLaughlin 0
King 2 Baker 5 Stewart 1 Walsh 0
Lynch 3 Adams 3 Wright 1 Mahoney 0
McCarthy 0 McCarthy 0 Mitchell 3 Fitzgerald 0
Schneider 1 Hall 6 Murray 1 Young 0
Lewis 9 Jackson 2 Hughes 1 Parer 0
Ward 7 O'Connor 0 Lewis 3 Lynch 0
Young 6 Hill 4 Fox 2 Campbell 2
Robinson 5 Burke 1 O'Brien 0 Martin 0
Hall 13 Allen 1 King 0 Rogers 2
Brady 3 Olsen 0 Evans 0 Baker 1
Burke 2 Hoffman 0 Roberts 4 Foley 0
Morris 5 Green 1 Jackson 1 Wood 1
Collins 3 Murray 0 Harris 1 Stevens 1
Jackson 7 Lynch 0 Collins 0 Morse 5
Carroll 2 Becker 0 Snyder 1 Crowley 0
Allen 13 Peterson 0 Kennedy 0 Lewis 1
Hughes 0 Ward 2 Wood 4 Barry 0
Klein 2 Morris 2 Hall 0 Burke 0
Cohn 2 Schneider 0 Burns 0 Driscoll 0