Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/314

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��Popular Science Monthly

��Sleigh Attachment for Perambulators Substitute for Large, Gas Reservoir

'T^W'O runners are attached to a crank-

��handle, so that by moving the han- dle they may be suspended above the lev- el of the wheels or dropped below the

���This perambulator may be a sleigh in winter or a carriage in summer

level of the wheels. Thus the perambu- lator may be used as a sleigh — or as a wheeled vehicle, at the will of the op- erator.

Ice Skates Make Shoe Shining Stand

DISCARDED ice skates of the type which clamp the soles of the shoe by the turn of a lever can be used for foot rests on shoe shining stands. The steel runner should be bolted between blocks of wood that are nailed or screwed to the foot rest base. With foot rests of this sort, the nervous customer cannot without difficulty, jerk his foot from under the hand or brush of the polisher.

���AN apparatus that will take the place of the large and cumbersome reservoirs used in chemical laboratories for storing quantities of gas for experi- ments can be made with two four-liter bottles and several connecting tubes.

Referring to the drawing, A and C in- dicate the bottles. A mouth is cut in the side of A and plugged with a rubber cork bored out to accommodate a glass tube. The tube leads from B into the bottle C through a pinch cock inserted at D. Gas is generated from an appara- tus leading to tube E and is stored in the lower bottle. When pinch cock D is released the gas is forced out of C through tube E until the supply is ex- hausted. Water in the upper bottle forces the gas from the lower bottle through the tube E,

���With foot rests made from ice-skates, the customer cannot escape

��This apparatus supplies gas for labora- tory experiments

Prevents Insulation Unwinding

THE waxed cotton insulation of an- nunciator wire can be prevented from unwinding by unravelling a length of both layers and knotting them. As the layers are wrapped in opposite di- rections the knot will prevent further unravelling or slipping.

Drilling Holes in Glass

THE following mixture on the de- sired size steel drill, will do a neat smooth hole.

Turpentine •. . , . 3 parts

Machine oil 1 part

Use on point of drill at high speed. This formula is one used by optical grinders.

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