Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/501

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The Home Workbench

���A Simple Method of Clearing a Clogged Vvaste Pipe

REMOVE the top and bottom from a discarded tomato or other can and place it over the outlet from the sink, as ilkistrated. Procure a block of wood that will easily fit into the tin, as shown.

With a hammer hit a sharp, strong blow on the wooden block, and away goes the stoppage. The tin cylinder prevents the force of the blow from spreading sideways and upwards. It is a fact that a stoppage seldom occurs in the trap, but usually at some bend or joint below it.

This scheme has been used before, but the addition of the can is a new idea, and is a big improvement over the old method of laying a board on top of the water and striking a blow, most of the energy being expended sideways. Of course the sink must be partly filled with water to use this idea, and the can must be held down firmly.

���By striking the plug a sharp blow, the

clogged waste pipe is cleared for the

free passage of water

��Inclined Sidewalk for a Wheeled Invalid Chair

IN homes where there is a wheel- chair invalid, the patient could have more frequent outings, were it not for

���This inclined walk obviates the dis- comfort of jolting an invalid-chair up and down the usual stairs

the difficulty the nurse has in getting the chair down the steps from the house. Even where a strong person is able to get the chair and patient up and down the steps, the sufferer has to endure much uncomfortable jolting in the process.

This difficulty was solved in one home by removing the railing at one end of the veranda and building a new side walk, an inclined plane sloping down to the street walk, to take the place of the usual stairs.

W'hile relatively few homes have in- valids, the average home does have a succession of babies, and the slight cost of such a walk would be more than repaid by serving the convenience of the mother with the baby carriage, both in leaving and entering the home.


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