Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/514

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��Popular Science Monthly

��Preserving Indian Speech

WE are already beginning to regret that no phonographic records could have been made of the voices of great singers of the last generation, while we shall be handing down our Ca- rusos and M e 1 b a s to those who come long after us. Not long ago the Depart- ment of the Interior in Washington awoke to the fact that there was something else to be pre- served for the future,

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��A chief of the Blackfeet singing his war songs into a Government phonograph for preservation

��of Carlisle-bred chiefs do not take the ancient rituals very seriously, and it is probable that after the oldest of the

living warri- ors have died, the Indian war songs will be practically forgotten.

It was this feeling which prompted the Government to make the phonographic records of the \'oices of the greatest of the living chiefs for the files of the nation. For some time past, now, these warriors on their per- iodic visits to Washington have recorded on the phono-

��namely the speech and war songs of graph their songs and their legends for our native Indians. The new generation the files of the nation.

��A Rowing- Bath

THE rowing-bath has been perfected in a western sanitarium for the purpose of adding zest to the morning plunge. It is valuable as a curative measure, but it may also be used with enjoyment and benefit by any one.

The rowing- bath consists of a metal container which is at- tached to the nozzle of an o r d i n a r >' tub by means of a rubber cord suffi- ciently strong


��to give the element of exercise. Enter- ing the tub, the bather attaches the rowing device and turns on the cold water. As it pours into the tub he

scoops up the water and, pul- ling the con- tainer toward him with a rowing mo- tion, empties it full upon his breast, thus securing the zest which accompanies the pleasant pastime of Iniffetingsurf. This bath is a diversion from the ordi- nary "shower" on a hot sum- mer day.

��rowboat bath is the newest contribution to the physical enjoyment of living

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