Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/533

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Popular Science Monthly


���The Gila River is too deep to be forded. Hence this trolley ferry was constructed

��Operating a Stage under Difficulties

OPERATING a stage line is not all that it's cracked up to be when the line happens to be in certain parts of Xew Mexico. The illustration shows one of the difficulties — and the picture was taken under very favorable circum- stances.

The route of the stage is between vSilver City and Mogollon. As the Gila River generally is too deep to be forded, it was necessary to construct the "bridge" shown. The car is run on to the plat- form at one side and then pulled to the other side by a team of horses. Last winter the "bridge" washed out and the automobile was dragged across on the bottom of the stream with nothing show- ing but the top of the steering wheel. It look ten horses to do the trick.

A Calking Compound

A(i(X)D calking compound can be made by melting separately 1 lb. ot beeswax and 2 oz. of rosin. When melt- ed, mix them together. This amount is sufficient to calk a 16' boat. The com- pound must be applied while hot, and can be poured into the seams or applied with a varnish brush, and the surplus scraped off with a putty knife. The hot com- ])ound will penetrate the wood, thus obtaining perfect water-tight seams. If the seams are very large, first calk tight- ly with cotton.

��Gaiters to Protect the Spring-leaves of Automobiles

THE importance of keeping the spring-leaves on automobiles clean and thoroughly greased, cannot be over- emphasized. Every motorist soon feels the effects of poor spring lubrication. A novel device which reduces the trouble to a minimum, by keeping the springs free from dust and grit and from the corroding influence of rain water, which somehow or other always manages to creep between the leaves, is shown in the accompanying illustration. It consists of plain leather or canvas gaiters, two for each spring, easily attached and detached. Additional grease can be injected at any time without the trouble of removing the gaiter, by means of a tube and screw- cap attached at the side.

���Gaiters for automobile leaf-springs keep out dubt and grit

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