Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/539

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Popular Science Monthly


��way. Occasionally the dog helps fleas and ticks in transmitting bubonic plague or the deadly spotted fever.

Hydatid disease is caused by the pres- ence in the liver, kidneys, brain, lungs, and other organs, of a bladder worm or larval tapeworm. Bladder worms are often as large as an orange and may be larger. A dog which is allowed to feed on carrion may eat all or part of a blad- der worm containing numerous tape- worm heads. These tapeworm heads de- velop into small segmented tapeworms in the intestines of the dog. The tapeworms in turn develop eggs which are passed out in the excrement of the dog. They are

��keep them free of these worms. In the case of sheep measles, the bladder worm in the meat, typical of this disease, is swallowed by the dog and again the tape- worm eggs are passed by the dog to grass or water, and there are eaten by sheep.

A Grain Elevator Which Holds Three Thousand Five Hundred Carloads

ONE of the greatest of all elevators. is the concrete grain elevator which has just been completed in Fort Williams, Ont. The storage capacity of this concrete elevator will be three mil- lion five hundred thousand bushels, or about three thousand five hundred car- loads, as ordinarilv estimated.

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� ���Thirty-five hundred carloads, or nearly one hundred long trains, must carry the grain this

elevator can hold at one time. It can load fifty thousand bushels in an hour and can empty

itself, if the cars are available, in ten hours

��spread broadcast on grass and in drink- ing water where animals can very well eat them and thus become infected. The hog is particularly lial)le to this disease because of its rooting habits. The eggs may get into himian food, and persons who allow dogs to lick their hands and face also run the risk of getting the eggs of the tapeworms in their systems.

The parasite which causes gid in .sheep somewhat resembles the hydatid worm. A dog allowed to eat the brain of a giddy sheep mav swallow this para- site and later distril)utc the eggs of the resulting tapeworm over the pasture. Shecj) while grazing swallow the eggs with the grass which they eat. In the case of sheep dogs it is important to ad- minister vermifuges often enough to

��The outstanding features of the con- crete elevator are its marine unloading cars, which can empty any of the largest boats in less than ten hours. The mar- ine imloading cars have a capacity of about fifty thousand bushels an hour and are capable of unloading a big boat in less than a working day.

It will be possible to load fifty thou- sand bushels of grain in freight cars every hour, which is tremendously fast. Canal boats can be loaded at the fast rate of thirty thousand bushels an hour. Aside from the great size and wonder- ful a])pliances for handling grain which have been incorporated in this elevator, the fact that it is constructed entirely of concrete reduces the liability of fire and with it the cost of insurance.

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