Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/569

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Popular Science Monthly


��An Automobile Converted Into a Railway Ore-Tractor

A FORD automobile which was fast reaching the end of its usefulness in a mine in Texas was recently knocked apart, put together again on a short, heavy chassis, and mounted on railroad- wheels for use on a narrow- gage track. Although the automobile had been dri\'en more than twelve thousand miles, it fell to its new task with a will and has been be- having admirably ever since.

The weight of the full load pulled by the improvised locomotive, consisting of three two-ton ore-cars, is about sixteen thousand, five hundred pounds. Dragging this weight between various points about the camp it travels on an average (jf eighteen miles a day, con- suming during that time about four and one-half gal- lons of gasoline and one gal- lon of oil.

The cost of converting the touring car into a day laborer was one hundred and fifty dollars.

��which is painted the word "Stop" in staring red letters. The warning is painted on both sides of the novel signal and is visible at a considerable distance in either direction.

The officials of the railroad feel that the sign will be more elTective than the

���The old-fashioned white crossing-flag having outlived its

usefulness, the New York Central now uses a big white

disk with "Stop" painted on it in red

��Stopping the Speeder with a New Danger Sign

A DISTINCT novelty in safety de- vices is now being tested on nearly one hundred grade crossings of the New York (\'ntral Railroad. Upon the ap- proach of a train, the watchman, instead of waving the customary white flag, holds in the air a white sign, across the face of


���A Ford automobile which was converted into a mine locomotive at a cost of one hundred and fifty dollars

��familiar flag. If the experiments prove a success, the new device will be used at all grade crossings on its system. At night a red lantern with the word "Danger" painted on the red glass will be used.

Italians Build Highest Powered Motor Ship

N Italian shipbuilding concern has recently completed the construc- tion of the world's highest- powered motor-ship. This record-breaking craft, de- signed for the Brazilian Navy, is a submarine depot-ship, three hundred and twenty- six feet long, and propelled by two Diesel engines, each of three thousand two hun- dretl horsepower. It is ru- mored that the ship will not be delivered to Brazil, but will be used as an adjunct to the Italian submarine fleet at least for the war.

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