Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/582

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��Popular Science Monthly

��for a

��An Automobile Dressing-Room Motion Picture Actress

MISS BESSIE EYTON, a popular motion picture star now stationed in Los Angeles, objected to going about in the costumes she had to wear while being filmed. She devised away toturn her automobile in- to a dressing-room.

���A small automobile was converted into a dressing-room, with pipes for heat and hot water. It is now used as a dressing-room by a motion picture actress

��genuity over space. She has taken her small car and so carefully calculated every inch of volume that she has made a commodious dressing-room out of it. She has a place to make-up and a place for the costumes that will be needed during one day's work. The dressing- room is curtained, so that it is as private as the dressing-room of any theater.

But best of all she can have hot water and heat. A pipe with a drum and plate is connected with the exhaust-pipe, which runs through the car. Whenever she wants hot water or heat she has only to turn a \alve and start the engine. This throws the exhaust through the drum, and in less than a minute the car is warm.

Did You Know That Flour Explodes?

DURING the last ten years, about twenty explosions have occurred in cereal, flour and feed mills, with the loss of two million dollars' worth of property,

��as well as the killing or injuring of over two hundred^employees. Investigations regarding the causes of these explosions and subsequent fires have not proved conclusively what are the difficulties to be avoided. In eight cases, the ex- plosions are be- lie\'ed to have orig- inated from the sparks produced in the machines dur- ing the grinding process. Tiny par- ticles of gravel or metallicsubstances coming into con- tact with the plates of the machine may produce enough sparks to ignite the dust within the machine.

Another possible cause for cereal dust explosions sug- gested is the use of naked flames.

Sea- Scouts as Lamp-Lighters

EN the men of a country have to go to war, their responsibilities must be assumed by the women and children. The sea- scouts of England are boys who came promptly forward Avith their services in any capacity which might be required. In the illustration may be observed a sea- scout performing the useful task of lighting the street- lamps. Equipped v.ith a bicycle and lamp-lighter, he makes his circuit in short time and

does it as well, we England is using , some of her boy

dare say, as any sea-scouts to light full-grown man. street lanterns

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