Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/630

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��Popular Science Monthly

���A superheating coil for oil -burning fur- naces gives an even pressure and complete combustion

Save Fuel for Oil-Burners

IF the feed-pipe of an oil-burner is lengthened and bent into several convolutions which are placed directly beneath the burner, the oil is thinned and gas is formed, with the result that an even pressure is gained and more heat per unit of oil is obtained. In many cases it wnll be found that the increased pressure will be sufficient to justify doing away with the pressure pump ordinarily used. Care must be taken in installing superheating coils of this type ; otherwise explosions and disastrous fires may result.

A Speedometer Light for Ford Cars

THERE are numerous 6-volt speed- ometer lights on the market, but it is very hard to obtain a bulb that will not burn out when used with the cur- rent direct from the Ford magneto, the voltage of which is about 12. If suit- able resistance is placed in series with a 6-volt light to cut down the voltage to 6 volts, the standard 6-volt light will work very well on a Ford. Twenty-five feet of No. 26 B. & S. gage German silver wire is the proper amount. It may be wound upon a piece of porcelain tubing or any other non-conductor. After it is wound it should be thoroughly wrapped with friction tape to protect it. To install it, one wire from the resist- ance coil can be connected to the bind- ing post where the wire from the mag- neto binding post connects on to the

��binding post of the coil box underneath the hood.

The resistance can be fastened to the dash underneath the hood by taking several turns of tape around the coil and driving a tack in each end of the tape. This will hold it in place very satis- factorily. The other wire from the coil should be run to the other side of the car, being careful not to [;et it grounded to any metal parts of the car. It should then pass through a hole drilled through the dash at the exact place where you want the light located, through the light, and then should be grounded to the iron frame of the machine at any convenient place. It is best to buy a speedometer light with a pull-chain switch socket, but if you cannot obtain this kind con- veniently you will have to get a small dash switch of some kind and place it in circuit with your light. This light, if carefully installed, is very satisfactory. The author has one on his car and knows of two others who have used the same idea and are very well pleased with the results. — Ivan M. Wells.

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��Simple barbs of wood attached to piles

will prevent them from working up when

driven in quicksand

Driving Piles Into Quicksand

WHEN driving piles in quicksand, tmder water, the piles have a tend- ency to rise from V to 3', unless the hammer is left set on them for several hours. To avoid this waste of time, cut up some tough saplings of about 2" di- ameter, into lengths of about 2', and spike them to the piles like barbs, as shown in the illustration. The results are very satisfactory. — J. L. Bayley.

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