Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/827

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Popular Science Monthly






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Fig. 9

��dining room at the front of the house on account of the view or for any other rea- son, the den may be placed in the space occupied by the pantry and the pan- try may be moved to the rear or some other location.

In Figure 9 we have a study of a three ibedroom bungalow which, while not the most artistic study shown in this arti- cle, is a very com- pact arrangement and a reasonable plan to build from. Every line is straight and economy is the principal feature. By making the house a trifle wider and running a hall down through the center so that all bedrooms would enter on to it and thereby be in direct communication with the bathroom,, the arrangement would be greatly improved. Figure 10 shows a very simple bunga- low and is the cheapest study shown. It is the aim, from the viewpoint of econ- omy, to keep any type of house as nearly square as possible and to meet this the study shown in this figure was worked up. The one great drawback to this particular study lies in its only having one bedroom, but that disadvantage can be readily overcome by working up a plan from the study and putting in as many bedrooms as may be desired, al- ways remembering to keep the house as nearly square as possible, provided the lot on which it is to be erected is wide enough to al- low for it.

In Figure 11 is shown a study




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��Fig. 10

��which has unlimited possibilities at the hands of a clever designer. This study allows the kitchen to be well ventilated from three sides, which is a very good feature. The stairs going up to the bil- liard room in the attic are just off the



��living room and extremely handy when visitors are to be entertained in this manner. The cellar stairs go down from the kitchen and are right under the stairs going up into the attic, thereby saving floor

space. K/TCHEhi The bed- rooms

and D/A///V& i-tv/zva

bath- ROOM R.00M

room being at the rear of


��Fig. 11

��the house give the plan the desirable features mentioned under Figure 4.

Figure 12 shows a study which strong- ly resembles that shown in Figure 11, excepting that the bedroom is the room that is ventilated from three sides in- stead of the kitchen. The stairway to the second floor and the arrangement of the bathroom directly off the living room should also be noticed. The more the designer thinks over this study the more ideas will be obtained from it, since the study lends itself readily to a great many different arrangements which are pleasing and economical. The en- trance into the living room from the side of the house instead of from the front in the conventional manner is greatly ap- preciated, especially in a summer home that faces a lake or other body of water. In a case of this kind it is always ad- visable and de- sirable to place the en- trance on the side of the house oppo- site to

that from which the prevailing wind is. This placing of the door will be greatly appreciated when the wind is blowing a heavy rainstorm ahead of it and driving the water through every possible open- ing, so that it is not only impossible to use the door but it is almost impossible

���Fig. 12

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